Work Experience
- 10 Years & 7 Months
Jun 2014 to Present
King George Secondary SchoolTeacherResponsible for teaching English Laguage and Word History to classes 8-9. I am responsible for the monthly tests, grading and student performance reports.
Other than this, I also play the piano for the school choir on special occassions.
Feb 2002 to May 2014
12 Years & 3 MonthsGrammar Middle SchoolTeacherResponsible for teaching allocated subject to classes 7-9. I was responsible for ensuring that apart from subject understanding, my students also learn basic manners, discussion ethics and class participation.
I was in charge of the subject testing, studnt report cards and being available for meeting with parents. I was always in the staff room during school timings and welcomed students to ask all kinds of questions.
Once a week I kept a discussion class, which was sometimes focused towards any current issue and not the subject only. I was fully involved with the students and genuinely gave my best to make them better citizens as well.
English (UK)Native or Bilingual ProficiencyFrenchProfessional Working ProficiencyGermanElementary Proficiency -
Technical Skills
- Discipline
- Subject Depth
- Performance Report
- Grading and Average
- Class Discussions
- Extra-Curricular Activites
- Class Enactments
- Leadership
- Faculty Administration
Became Middle School Teacher after selection from 56 applications.
My class scored best grades among all the sections.
Became faculty administrator due to responsible and dutiful nature.
Attended course for teaching and subject curriculum planning.
Attended classes for understanding child psychology.