Work Experience
- 11 Years & 7 Months
Jun 2013 to Present
Lawrence City GovernmentProbation OfficerResponsible for maintaining crime-free city by keeping a closer look on the offenders in probation. Probation is observation of police instead of jail time so that offenders have time to improve themselves. My duty is to give them full opportunity.
I talk and direct each probationer to learn some skill instead of resprting to offense. I also maintain the laws of the government and do not let the offenders go against it. I am responsible for supervising offenders and ensuring that they get no time to engage in any undesirble act. I create reports with daily improvement score and finally, my reports declare whether further jail time or correctional treatments.
Feb 2001 to May 2013
12 Years & 3 MonthsKansas City GovernmentProbation OfficerResponsible for picking and dropping offenders from and to their workplace. Keeping a close eye on them while making them feel comfortable was also my duty.
Probation was not enforced yet it was the best period to improve offenders and make them responsible. My duty was to talk to them and make them feel at ease. Meanwhile they had to be worked on in order to make them responsible individuals.
English (US)Native or Bilingual ProficiencyGermanElementary ProficiencySpanishElementary Proficiency -
Technical Skills
- Excellent Communication
- Correctional Treatment
- Criminal Justice
- Drug Tests
- Endurance Tests
- Behavior Assesment
- Problem Solving
- Federal Law Awareness
Appreciated for personal effort put in every probationer. Every offender was treated respectfully while making them see their mistakes and correct themselves.
I was also appreciated for the reports submitted in court after analysis of probationers.
Probationers Communication
Helped ten probationers with behaviour and then cleared their reports for jail time. The offenders were corrected and felt they could do better in future.
I also helped young offenders with planning education ahead. A psychologist was recommended and they worked on themselves. Their jail time was reduced to minimum.