Joe Jacobs Police Officer
871 222 1156
I have been a responsible and law-enforcing officer in every department that I have served during the past fifteen years. I wish to continue as a positive contributor to society and a team member to ensure a safer environment for every citizen.
Work Experience
New Jersey Police Department
Police Officer (Feb 2003 to Present) 21 Years & 11 Months
• I am responsible for maintaining law and order during morning hours in the school district. I am on duty from early morning hours to ensure safe and smooth traffic and influx of pupils. I have been responsible for preventing neighborhood offences during evening hours as well. I was in charge of stopping encroachments and checking suspicious vehicles as they entered the Town Square. Previously, I worked with a partner officer to report crimes and cordone off the crime scene for detectives. • Before that, i was supervising investigations and patrolled the city to ensure peace and security. I have been responsible for maintaining records of known offenders and keeping a vigilant eye on them. • I worked as police reporter at the corporate district, where every unknown vehicle had to be checked at the post.
Security Service Elite Club
Security Protocol (Jan 2001 to Mar 2003) 2 Years & 2 Months
• Was appointed as the security protocol officer to accompany any state minister and officers from the State Department.
County Law School
Graduate(1999 - 2001)
Passed degree program without any semester lapse.
New League High School
High School(1997 - 1999)
Passed with good grades.
Featured Projects
Campaign for Security Enforcement
Participated in several campaigns in New Jersey and New York to enforce safety and security to citizens.
Help a victim
Extended support and emotional help to the family members of the 9/11 victims. Patrolled the site and vicinity to ensure safety of mourners and visitors.
Technical Skills
- Investigation
- Vigilance
- Deep analysis
- Information collection
- Discrete observation
- Law enforcement
Personal Skills
Team Player
English (US)
Native or Bilingual Proficiency
United States
Date of Birth
Marital Status
Driving License
- Awarded best investigation officer 2009.
- Was awarded the civil security award in 2001.