• Providing vision and strategic advisory for marketing activities in Kromtech.
• Providing an advisory and organizing requirements for internal processes in Kromtech.
• Implementation of technology solutions that help to achieve goals of the business.
• Management of Digital Marketing dept. in Kromtech, total team 30 people
• Digital marketing strategy design and implementation
• Achievements: 32% New Users CAGR, 67% Gross Revenue CAGR, 49% NET Rev. CAGR
• Implemented principles of Kanban for the digital marketing team
• Created and held two 1-month marketing courses for young graduates
• Achievements: 39% New Users CMGR, 10% Gross Revenue CMGR, 18% NET Rev. CMGR
• Successfully managed multiple direct-response advertising campaigns.
• Planning, AdOps, Performance analysis, Optimization, LPO, Reporting.
• Locating, developing, defining, negotiating, and closing new business relationships.