I am responsible for training a group of customers every day. I construct different workout routines and help people get into shape.
I also maintain the class discipline and do rotational routines between weight training, cardio and core exercises.
I was responsible for instructing groups of fitness enthusiasts and helped them with the weekly workouts that were outlined by the gym incharge
I also wrote out diet plans for some customers but they were not my field of expertise therefore it was not a common practice.
It was my duty to work on different muscle groups and ensure that the ore exercises were also included so every customer could benefit and feel the difference.
I was responsible for helping all gym members in outlining a daily routine for them. I also checked that each member used the different equipment in the right way.
I was in charge of helping members learn which exercises would help them lose weight in particular areas.
I was recognized as one of the best instructors due to big group success.
I conducted a special class of diabetic persons over 55 years of age.
I was able to help three of the class members to fallback on the Type 2 diabetes borderline.
- Certified
- Muscle Toning
- Weight Loss
- Fat Loss
- Coordination
- Muscle Group Exercises
- Core Exercises
- Workout Plans
- Method Training
- Workout Musicals
- Personalized Routines
- Instruction Implementation
- Observation
- Leadership
- Supervision