CV Picture
Donald Friedman Forklifter Driver 223, Newark Drive, NY, US.
Efficient, experienced and controlled fork lifter driver with an experience of more than five years. I am strong-built and have the experience and skill to use the fork lifter without a single accident to date. I wish to continue working and contributing to the warehouse and storage sites in my own way.
Professional Experience
Agro Warehouse
Fork Lifter Driver
(Jun 2012 to Present) 12 Years & 9 Months

Responsible for lifting and placing stock using the fork lifter.

I also maintain the forklifter by regularly checking and oiling the machinery. Other lifting equipment is also my responsibility.

I lift and stack cartons according to the expiration or pick-up time.

State Department
Fork Lifter Driver
(Feb 2010 to May 2012) 2 Years & 3 Months

Responsible for a contracted job of lifting all the cars from the dumps and placing them at the city junk yard.

I was appointed by the state for a period of 15 months. It was my duty to lift cars and place them on the carriers.

This job required skill as it was not easy to lift cars after experience of only lifting stock cartons.

Agnus Warehouse
Fork Lifter Driver
(Apr 2004 to Jan 2010) 5 Years & 9 Months

Responsible for the placement and arrangement of big cartons. All the heavy stock that needed to be lifted with the lifter was my duty.

I arranged stocks and checked inventories. I gave the final approval that the inventory and stock were "okay".

It was my duty to maintain the discipline at the warehouse. I looked after the machinery and maintained the fork lifter and other small machinery like scales etc.

Technical Skills
  • Labor Experience
    • 1.
    • 2.
    • 3.
    • 4.
    • 5.
    • 6.
    • 7.
    • 8.
  • Forklifting
    • 1.
    • 2.
    • 3.
    • 4.
    • 5.
    • 6.
    • 7.
    • 8.
  • Stocks Supervision
    • 1.
    • 2.
    • 3.
    • 4.
    • 5.
    • 6.
    • 7.
    • 8.
  • Placement and Planning
    • 1.
    • 2.
    • 3.
    • 4.
    • 5.
    • 6.
    • 7.
    • 8.
  • Warehouse Duty
    • 1.
    • 2.
    • 3.
    • 4.
    • 5.
    • 6.
    • 7.
    • 8.
  • Parking and Maneuvering
    • 1.
    • 2.
    • 3.
    • 4.
    • 5.
    • 6.
    • 7.
    • 8.
  • Safety Rules
    • 1.
    • 2.
    • 3.
    • 4.
    • 5.
    • 6.
    • 7.
    • 8.
  • Disciplined
    • 1.
    • 2.
    • 3.
    • 4.
    • 5.
    • 6.
    • 7.
    • 8.
  • Dutiful
    • 1.
    • 2.
    • 3.
    • 4.
    • 5.
    • 6.
    • 7.
    • 8.
Personal Skills
NY High
High School Diploma
(Jul 1999 to Jun 2001)
Average student.
Language Courses
Italian Course
Learnt Italian to communicate with the workers at the Agnus Warehouse.
Spanish Course
Learnt Spanish to communicate with customers and lorry drivers who came to the warehouse for deliveries and pick-ups.
  • Nationality
    United States
  • D.O.B
  • Marital Status
  • Driving License
English (US)
Native or Bilingual Proficiency
Professional Working Proficiency
Professional Working Proficiency
Activities & Interests