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I am a passionate and enthusiastic freelance makeup artist with experience of more than ten years. I have exposure of high end fashion shoots, bridal shoots and possess makeup skills for regular party and evening makeup. I always wanted to do this work and this is what adds to my zeal and ability to learn more. I wish to continue this work and gradually gain international acclaim.
Work Experience
Rhody Capella's Bling
Freelance Makeup Artist
(Aug 2014 to Present)
10 Years & 7 Months
• Returned to the makeup services after learning new techniques like strobing.
• I started work as a freelance and now am a brand name by myself. I am responsible for all the projects that are taken up by my appointment manager.
• I am in charge of makeup for commercial shoots, private parties and even fashion shoots for high end brands.
Laura's Salon
Makeup Artist
(Apr 2009 to Jan 2012)
2 Years & 9 Months
• Responsible for makeup and skin routine suggestions for the customers who visited the salon and took appointment especially for me. The customers had to book the makeup artist they wanted therefore it became a task to manage time as the number of customers was high.
• I was responsible for trying all techniques and finishing makeup according to the dress, colors and event that the customers mentioned.
• I was in charge of the base, contouring up till the complete look. It was my duty to finish work to customer's satisfaction.
Felicity Makeup and Beauty Spa
Makeup Artist
(Jan 2006 to Mar 2009)
3 Years & 2 Months
• Responsible for greeting customers and finishing their makeup look according to their request.
• It was my duty to only do as they wanted so that the customers got the look they had in mind.
• It was a good experience to learn so much. I was also responsible for the makeup of celebrities and models who visited the salon for services.
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