CV Picture
Jack Senzhe Cisco Network Engineer
Cisco network engineer with experience of building easy to use networks for organization. I have worked in this field for a long time and have the expertise to create small as well as large networks that are user friendly and easy for all applications. I am hard working, intense and dedicated to my work. My passion for system engineering is what makes me an asset for an organization. I wish to be able to face challenges and produce results that are beter than what I have done up till now.

Work Experience

  • 16 Years & 9 Months

    Jun 2008 to Present

    Kingdom Systems Ltd.
    Cisco Network Engineer-Co owner

    I work as freelance Cisco Engineer. It helps me learn new things while delivering the best. I am responsible for designing easy network systems. I design Cisco networks according to client requirements.

    Maintenance, repair and upgradation of computer networks is my responsibility. I create special facility networks that include confidential communication options. Monthly reports on performance are also made in order to assess the efficiency of the systems and improve them if needed.

  • Feb 2001 to May 2008

    7 Years & 3 Months
    Marshall Systems
    Cisco Network Engineer

    Responsible for creating a network that is best for the client's business. I was responsible for meeting clients and understanding their requirements.

    I used to design networks that were user-friendly and could be easily understood by all employees. Special confidential coding and communication networks were also created according to client requirements.


  • 2000 - 2004

    State University
    BS Computer Sciences
    Excellent student
  • 1997 - 2000

    Washington High School
    High School
    Exceptional Mathematics student.

  • Languages

    English (US)
    Native or Bilingual Proficiency
  • Technical Skills

    • Cisco Networks
      • 1.
      • 2.
      • 3.
      • 4.
      • 5.
      • 6.
      • 7.
    • Multiple Operating Systems
      • 1.
      • 2.
      • 3.
      • 4.
      • 5.
      • 6.
      • 7.
    • Computer Hardware
      • 1.
      • 2.
      • 3.
      • 4.
      • 5.
      • 6.
      • 7.
    • Software Installation
      • 1.
      • 2.
      • 3.
      • 4.
      • 5.
      • 6.
      • 7.
    • Client Requirement
      • 1.
      • 2.
      • 3.
      • 4.
      • 5.
      • 6.
      • 7.
    • Troubleshooting
      • 1.
      • 2.
      • 3.
      • 4.
      • 5.
      • 6.
      • 7.
    • Confidentiality Maintenance
      • 1.
      • 2.
      • 3.
      • 4.
      • 5.
      • 6.
      • 7.
    • Independent Worker
      • 1.
      • 2.
      • 3.
      • 4.
      • 5.
      • 6.
      • 7.
    • Controls and Checks
      • 1.
      • 2.
      • 3.
      • 4.
      • 5.
      • 6.
      • 7.
    • New Network Installation
      • 1.
      • 2.
      • 3.
      • 4.
      • 5.
      • 6.
      • 7.
  • Achievements

    Designed networks that were useful and increased company efficiency by a whopping 23%.

    Awarded for fastest network designs.

    Appreciated and rewarded for meeting deadlines and maintaining existing networks.

  • Courses

    Attended courses for computer languages.

    Diploma Cisco networking completed.

Activities & Interests
