CV Picture
Dylan Willis Accounting Specialist
Responsible and alert accounting specialist with experience of sales accounts and settling commission accounts and rental fees. I have been a good employee and have dutifully completed my work before the deadline. I have maintained a transparent accounting strategy and my skills have helped me win appreciation. I wish to work for a big organization with challenging environment. It will harness my skills and help me deliver better work.

Work Experience

  • 18 Years & 9 Months

    Jun 2006 to Present

    Berries Ice Cream Parlor and Take Away
    Accounting Specialist

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed non convallis eros, et varius lectus. Phasellus pharetra ipsum in ligula varius mattis metus.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed non convallis eros, et varius lectus.

  • Feb 2003 to May 2006

    3 Years & 3 Months
    Delilah Cosmetics Ltd.
    Accounting Specialist

    Responsible for handling accounts and looking after the sale records. I had to tally the sale reciepts and cash recieved.

    All credit card payments and vouchers were also looked after by me. I was handling the employee accounts as well.


  • 2000 - 2002

    State College
    Diploma Accounting
    Good student.
  • 1998 - 2000

    Novel High
    High School
    Good student.

  • Languages

    English (US)
    Native or Bilingual Proficiency
  • Technical Skills

    • Customer Relations
      • 1.
      • 2.
      • 3.
      • 4.
      • 5.
      • 6.
      • 7.
    • Computer Proficiency
      • 1.
      • 2.
      • 3.
      • 4.
      • 5.
      • 6.
      • 7.
    • Accounting Knowledge
      • 1.
      • 2.
      • 3.
      • 4.
      • 5.
      • 6.
      • 7.
    • Independent Worker
      • 1.
      • 2.
      • 3.
      • 4.
      • 5.
      • 6.
      • 7.
    • Team Player
      • 1.
      • 2.
      • 3.
      • 4.
      • 5.
      • 6.
      • 7.
    • Book Keeping
      • 1.
      • 2.
      • 3.
      • 4.
      • 5.
      • 6.
      • 7.
    • Account Clearance
      • 1.
      • 2.
      • 3.
      • 4.
      • 5.
      • 6.
      • 7.
    • Payments and Reciepts
      • 1.
      • 2.
      • 3.
      • 4.
      • 5.
      • 6.
      • 7.
    • Sales Accounts
      • 1.
      • 2.
      • 3.
      • 4.
      • 5.
      • 6.
      • 7.
    • Sales Control Systems
      • 1.
      • 2.
      • 3.
      • 4.
      • 5.
      • 6.
      • 7.
  • Achievements

    Transfered all books to computer within a month.

    Appreciated for good work and given bonus for two consecutive years. 2010-11.

  • Courses

    Attended course to understand computer software that suports accounting.

    Learned TurboCash and other programmes that help in maintaining accounting information.

Activities & Interests
